WASHINGTON – The Reform Government Surveillance Coalition (RGS) today released a statement expressing concern with S. 1080, the Cooper Davis Act.
“RGS shares the goal to reduce the illegal sale of fentanyl and methamphetamine online.
“The Cooper Davis Act, which was recently adopted by the Senate Judiciary Committee, however, raises several significant concerns.
“One such concern is that the bill includes language that could threaten the security of everyone who uses online services by disincentivizing platforms from offering end-to-end encryption by subjecting them to potential criminal penalties and civil liability for their users’ private communications.
“Undermining technology companies’ ability to offer secure products and services weakens the safety and privacy of our users, as well as the world’s information technology infrastructure.
“We urge Congress not to pass any bill that will undermine fundamental security features and look forward to continued engagement on this issue prior to any future action in either the Senate or the House.”