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RGS Urges Congress to Act Quickly on the Judicial Redress Act

The Reform Government Surveillance coalition strongly supports the Judicial Redress Act (H.R.1428) and encourages all House members to support this much-needed piece of legislation when it is considered on Tuesday and strongly urges the U.S. Senate to take it up immediately upon passage. The European Court of Justice’s decision to invalidate the U.S.-E.U. Safe Harbor agreement makes passage of the Judicial Redress Act even more imperative to preserving the flow of data between European countries and the United States. The Coalition has consistently noted that, in general, the Act is an important next step in surveillance reform after passage of the USA Freedom Act. By extending

the rights of the Privacy Act –which allows individuals to access, review, and request correction of information that a government agency may collect– to our E.U. allies, we will enable governments to cooperate fully in cross-border law enforcement and counter-terrorism investigations. We will also allow the U.S. to continue to rebuild trust in how consumers view technology companies when they cooperate with legitimate law enforcement requirements—an important point in light of the recent ECJ decision, and a building block in further talks between the U.S. and E.U. on transatlantic data flow. The RGS coalition urges Congress to enact the Judicial Redress Act this year and applauds House

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Crime Subcommittee Chairman Jim

Sensenbrenner, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers and other bill

supporters for their leadership on this important issue. We look forward to working with Senate cosponsors Senator Christopher S. Murphy and Senator Orrin G. Hatch towards final passage in the Senate.

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