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RGS Voices Support for the Judicial Redress Act

The Reform Government Surveillance coalition strongly

supports the Judicial Redress Act (H.R.1428) and urges the House Judiciary

Committee to approve the legislation for consideration by the full House of

Representatives. Enactment of the USA Freedom Act in May was an essential

step in reforming our surveillance and privacy laws, and the Judicial Redress

Act is a logical and necessary next step in ensuring that citizens of our most

important allies receive the same protections under the Privacy Act as we

provide to American citizens whose information is in the government’s

possession. Extension of these core benefits of the Privacy Act will

allow governments to cooperate fully in cross-border law enforcement and

counter-terrorism investigations and will also allow the U.S. to continue to

rebuild trust in how consumers view technology companies when they cooperate

with legitimate law enforcement requirements. The RGS coalition urges

Congress to enact the Judicial Redress Act this year and applauds House

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Crime Subcommittee Chairman Jim

Sensenbrenner, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers and other bill

supporters for their leadership on this important issue.

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